Why me? Who me?
Lang Skrimshire

I can hear you now,
"Just what the internet needs, another lame personal site telling me
about someone's pathetic life and their loser friends"

Well you're still reading aren't you?

I had to build this site as part of a course requirement But now school's out and I have to brave the real world. By that I don't mean live in an Ikea furnished apartment with a load of models.

Here's a little about me (just humour me and pretend you're interested) I was born in Rochford, England on July 4th 1972. My mother is a jazz writer and my father is a jazz guitarist and they are very cool people who gave me a very good start in life and were always proud of whatever I did. Unfortunately for me they traded wealth for sanity so I had to learn to stand on my own two feet.

I lived most my life in Sunny Southend-on-Sea, but now I'm living in Kent with my partner right near Bluewater shopping mall

Sorry this ain't a corporate site, If you want that, go to Starbucks.

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